Saturday, November 2, 2019

Report based on the Aye Choonz music service Essay

Report based on the Aye Choonz music service - Essay Example The Palz Choonz service epitomizes what is known as the â€Å"peer-to-peer† file sharing. Users can upload music files from their devices and by connecting to the Aye Choonz system, allow other users to retrieve the file on demand. Users can choose the music to make available and can also obtain electronic copies of music that any other person may have chosen to upload to the system. Using the â€Å"MP3† technology, music files are duplicated, transferred and stored for efficient reproduction and sound recording in a computer-readable format. The copyright and patent concepts were both included in the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act (CDPA) 1988 (s. 4(1) and.5 A (1)). Under Article 1, (s. 4(a), of the constitution, the DPA secures for a limited time period to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writing and Discoveries In the case of Napster the Ninth Circuit also held that Napster was not protected under Sony Corp. of America v. Universal City Studio, Inc., â€Å"the Betamax case†, because of Napster’s â€Å"actual, specific knowledge of direct infringement.† Napster argued that the existing Audio Home Recording Act 9(17 U.S.C.  §Ã‚ §1001-10) protected them under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act’s safe harbor clause (17U.S.C  § 512). ... (25 marks) Customer database brings about the issue of privacy, which is a complex legal issue. The Electronic Communications Privacy Act is tasked with protecting users. Websites such as Aye Choonz collect significant amounts of personal and identifiable data that can trigger liability risk (s.3 (1, b, i)). Users5 consent to the collections of names, physical or email addresses and credit card information through forms are archived on the site. By Aye Choonz allowing third-party advertiser’s6 access to the database, it means that these organisations can track users’ browsing habits. Using cookies information is collected as a user surfs the web and feeds the information to a web server. The Aye Choonz vendor site will send cookies which are basically an identification number to the client’s computer, where it is stored in a file on the client’s hard drive and serves as a digital identifier tag that notifies Aye Choonz whenever the client re-enters the Buy Choonz site (s.3 (1,c).. According to The Electronic Communication Privacy Act7 sites like Aye Choonz can be liable for allowing commercial organisations to place cookies on users’ hard drives. Aye Choonz can also face the Common-law Privacy tort8 which is a common law doctrine of personal privacy and includes four grounds of tort (s.3 (5, 6)). Mc Veigh V. Cohen, the U.S. Navy obtained personal information from America Online regarding an anonymous user who described himself in his AOL user profile as a gay military officer (McVeigh, 1998) Proponents of online profiling contend that collecting user data allows sites to improve services. Aye Choonz should disclose data sharing with a third party to users even if the data is

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